植物激素生长素在调控植物的生长和发育过程中起着非常重要的作用。生长素调控植物生长和发育的部分功能与某些肽类激素类似。然而,生长素和肽类激素之间的关系目前还不太清楚。据报道,肽类激素PIPs(PAMP-induced secreted peptide)PIPL(PIP-LIKE peptide)参与调控拟南芥的天然免疫应答及其对生物和非生物胁迫的耐受性。在本文中,我们发现两个PIPs/PIPL家族的基因,即PIP3(At2g23270)和PIP2(At4g37290)是生长素响应基因,并证明其参与调控植物的生长发育。RTPCR结果表明PIP3和PIP2的表达受天然生长素IAA(Indole-3-acetic acid)的诱导。原生质体转染实验表明PIP3和PIP2没有定位于某个特定的细胞器。通过对外观表型的观察,我们发现过表达PIP3和PIP2转基因植物叶片向下卷曲,并且根长变短。pip2单突变体的根长也同样较短。根长抑制实验表明,过表达PIP3转基因植物对于生长素敏感性降低。下胚轴伸长实验表明,PIP3和PIP2过表达植株对生长素敏感性都降低。而侧根发生实验则表明,PIP3和PIP2过表达植株对生长素敏感性增加。综上所述,我们的实验结果表明,PIP3和PIP2是生长素响应基因并且参与调控拟南芥的生长和发育。
Abstract摘要Introduction 1.Auxin 1.1 The role of auxin in plant growth and development 1.2 Auxin response factors(ARFs) 1.3 Aux/IAA proteins in Plants 1.4 IAA signaling in plants 1.5 Epinasty regulation by auxin 2.PIPs 3.The purpose and significance of this studyMaterials and Methods 1.Experimental materials 1.1 Plant material 1.2 Bacterium strains and plasmids 1.3 Reagents and kits 1.4 Medium and buffers 1.5 Primer 1.6 Equipment’s: 2.Experimental method 2.1 Cultivation of Arabidopsis thaliana 2.2 Bioinformatics analysis 2.3 RNA extraction and RT-PCR 2.4 Gene cloning and vector construction 2.5 Preparation and transformation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens competent cells 2.6 Plants transformation,transgenic plant selection and mutant isolation 2.7 Plant DNA Extraction 2.8 Large-scale extraction of plasmid DNA 2.9 Protoplast transfection 2.10 Observation of protein subcellular localization 2.11 Hormone treatment 2.12 Accessions numberResults 1.Phylogenetic analysis of PIP/PIPL 2.PIP3 and PIP2 are auxins responsive genes 2.1 PIP3 and PIP2 are induced by IAA 2.2 Cloning of PIP3 and PIP 3.Subcellular localization of PIP3and PIP 3.1 Construction of pUC19-GFP-PIP3&p UC19-GFP-PIP2 expression vector 3.2 PIP3 and PIP2 localization 4.Overexpression of PIP3 and PIP2 affected leaf and root morphology in Arabidopsis 4.1 Overexpression of PIP3 and PIP 4.2 Acquisition of mutant plants 4.3 Overexpression of PIP3 and PIP2 cause epinastic leaves 4.4 Overexpression of PIP3 and PIP2 inhibit primary root growth 5.Transgenic plants overexpressing PIP3 and PIP2 are sensitive to IAA 5.1 Effect of auxin on hypocotyl elongation 5.2 Effect of auxin on root elongation 5.3 Effect of auxin on the lateral root formationDiscussionConclusionReferencesList of AbbreviationAcknowledgementsPublication
类型: 硕士论文
作者: Saddam Hussain
导师: Shucai Wang
关键词: 生长素,肽激素,叶卷曲,拟南芥
来源: 东北师范大学
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学
专业: 生物学
单位: 东北师范大学
分类号: Q945
总页数: 65
文件大小: 3905K
下载量: 21
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标签:生长素论文; 肽激素论文; 叶卷曲论文; 拟南芥论文;
Involvement of PIP3 and PIP2 in the Regulation of Auxin Response and Plant Growth and Development in Arabidopsis