


  • 比百度翻译专业,但是也不是百分百可靠,所有的翻译软件翻译都很生硬


  • 挺好用的,你输入一句话,他就能很快翻译过来,语句还算流畅,并且有多个国家的语言哦。

  • 然有语法纠正的功能但是不完善



  • 如果有一定的英语功底 只是需要词汇的话 是挺好的



    另外,翻译软件在进行大段文字的中译英的时候 都会有语法错误的现象。因为中文的用语习惯是比较微妙的,你不能指望机器去理解它。


  • 不好用,基本没有几句翻译的对的,机器毕竟是机器,不能理解人的语气,也不能分析语境



  • 我英语也不好,但是我没用这种方法,容易产生依赖性,建议有时间,多读读参考文献,自已慢慢写吧。而且中文和英文语句逻辑顺序不太一样,没有英文思维,中文用谷歌直翻需要大调,还不如直接写英文练练手。

3.谁英语好的帮我翻译一下 别谷歌翻译 帮朋友写论文用的 以下是内容

提高母猪分娩率的措施【摘 要】母猪分娩率是一个猪场管理水平的标志之一,也是影响一个猪场效益的重要方面。母猪配种后,由于其固有的生理特性易造成流产,瘫痪,跛腿,炎症等。因此,母猪分娩率的高低是一个猪场成败的重要因素。本文结合了个人在规模化猪场配种舍的实践,主要从母猪配种到分娩时期的特点、饲养管理等方面入手阐述了如何提高母猪分娩率的措施。【关键词】 母猪 ; 分娩率 ; 措施

  • Measures for improving the parturition rate of sow

    Abstract: Sow parturition rate is one of the signs showing the pig farm management level, and it's also an important part which would affect the profits of a pig farm. After sow mating, its inherent physiological characteristics makes it easy that it may easily get miscarried, paralyzed, lamed, or an inflammation and so on. Therefore, the percentage of sow parturtition is an important factor for the success of a pig farm. The article combined my own practice of sow mating in a scaled pig farm , describes about the measures for improving the parturition rate of sow from the points of characteristics of sows from their mating to parturition and feeding management.

    Keywords: sow; parturition rate; measures

  • Improve thefarrowingrate measures

    [Abstract]farrowingrateis one of the symbols ofapig farmmanagement level,but alsoan important aspect ofapig farm benefit.Sow breeding,due toits inherentphysiologicalcharacteristics ofeasy to causeabortion,paralysis,lame,inflammation.Therefore,farrowingrateis an important factor inthe success or failure ofapig farm.This papercombines theperson in thepractice ofscale pigbreedingshed,the mainbreeding managementfrom the characteristics,sow breedingto deliverytimeaspectselaborated how toimprove thefarrowingrate measures.

    [keyword]sowsfarrowing rate;measures;

  • The parturition of sow, as one of the symbol to identify a pig farm's management level, play a key role in the influence of the farm's effeciency. Having mated, the sow is likely to get abortion, paralysis, crippled, inflammation and other diseases rise from its inherent physiological feature.

  • The measure to increase the parturition rate of sows


    The parturition of sows is not only one sign of the level of management of pig farm, but also an important aspect to affect the benefit of a pig farm. After sows having breeded, it is easy to cause abortion, paralysis, lameness, inflaimmation and so on due to their conatural phisiological property.Therefore, whether the parturition rate of sow is high or not is an important element of whether the pig farm will success or not.This article combine personal practice in standard breeding rooms in pig farm, start mainly from the trait of sow' breeding and parturiting, feeding management and so on to say about the measure to increace the parturition rate of sows.


    Sow; parturition rate; measure

  • Efforts to improve the sow births

    【 pick to 】 the sow births is one of the symbols of a farm management level is also a pig benefit is an important aspect of influence.

    Sow mating, due to its inherent physiological characteristic is easy to cause miscarriage, paralyzed and lame leg, inflammation, etc.

    Sow childbirth is a pig, therefore, an important factor of success or failure.

    This article combines the individual in large-scale pig farms breeding practice, mainly from the sow mating to birth period characteristics, breeding management and other aspects this paper expounds the measures about how to improve the sow births.

    【 key words 】 the sow;




  • 一、中文翻译成英语,还是使用有道,或者百度吧。毕竟中国的文字的意思太多。老外理解中文之后再翻译成英语实在太难。



  • goole翻译也不是绝对的,最好是先软件翻译一下,自己在稍微修改下比较好

  • 建议奈普格翻译比较好,goole翻译很死板,奈普格编译拥有同行外籍编辑翻译,翻译的文稿觉得符合作者所表达的意思。

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