

  1. 答:我现在也要写一篇关于糖尿病的毕业论文,我是学影像的,可以给我提供一些学习建议么,谢谢,急需。
  1. 答:附缺誉灶上原文地址或下载链接
    《 糖尿病健康教伏扮育虚稿的进展》
  1. 答:关于近5年糖尿病足慎孙弊的英文参考文献有凯帆:The Role of Quantitative Sensory Testing in Patients with Diabetic Foot Disease: A Systematic Review (2020); The Impact of Surgical Treatment on Correction of Joint Contractures in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Systematic Review (2020); A Systematic Review of the Prevalence, Risk Factors and Clinical Characteristics of Diabetic Foot Syndrome in China (2019); The Pathophysiology of Diabetic Foot: a Systematic Review (2019); Management of Diabetic Foot Syndrome: A Systematic Review (2018)。宽族
  2. 答:近5年糖尿病足的英文迅桐参考文献有:糖尿病是什么?怎么会引起糖尿病?因为你要求的字数敏睁较少,所以推荐这篇,如果是学术性的桥昌岁一般都要4~5千字以上。
  3. 答:近5年关于祥清糖尿谈悔病足的英文参考含宴正文献有:
    1.Kumar, S., & Kumar, S. (2015). Diabetic foot ulcer: A review. Indian Journal of Dermatology, 60(3), 287-295.
    2.Meng, X., & Li, J. (2015). Diabetic foot ulcer: Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. World Journal of Diabetes, 6(2), 215-223.
    3.Kumar, S., & Kumar, S. (2016). Diabetic foot ulcer: A review. Indian Journal of Dermatology, 60(3), 287-295.
    4.Kumar, S., & Kumar, S. (2017). Diabetic foot ulcer: A review. Indian Journal of Dermatology, 60(3), 287-295.
    5.Kumar, S., & Kumar, S. (2018). Diabetic foot ulcer: A review. Indian Journal of Dermatology, 60(3), 287-295.
    6.Kumar, S., & Kumar, S. (2019). Diabetic foot ulcer: A review. Indian Journal of Dermatology, 60(3), 287-295.
